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Buffalo State RUNWAY has official photographers covering the runway show. Only these authorized photographers will have access to the press pool at all times.


Our MARKETING TEAM selects all the photographers for the show. Photos will be made available for viewing following the completion of RUNWAY on our facebook page at


News media are invited to cover RUNWAY. Due to space limitations, only one reporter and a photographer/videographer (2 people) from each outlet will be allowed access. Members of the media need to check in at the main entrance to obtain media passes. These passes should be worn while covering the event. Separate media passes for bloggers are not available.


Please contact to notify RUNWAY your media outlet would like to attend. We request that all media respect ticket holders and do not stand or sit in front of guests. We appreciate your cooperation. 


If you are a private photographer or videographer for any of our student designers, please contact in advance to request access. Cameras will not be allowed backstage.


Please note: Non-credentialed photographers are prohibited from interfering with and/or obstructing the view of guests, sponsors and official Buffalo State photographers. We also ask that all photographers limit their footprint and only bring the least amount of equipment required for photography to each night's show. 

Media Policy

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